LabelMaker Branding

Branding and App Prototype
March - June 2023

How can we use technology to
bring community and resources to musical artists?

The connections-driven structure of the current music industry breeds an environment where artists and industry workers are often afraid to speak up when they are mistreated by their superiors. I worked alongside three other students to combat this mistreatment by offering an alternate, digital method for connecting artists with collaborators and resources.


  • Brand Mission and Values
  • Figma
  • Procreate
  • Storyboarding
  • iMovie

Branding Brainstorm

Branding Goals:





  • Reinforce that LabelMaker is a platform for exploration and connection of all shapes
  • Communicate that all experience levels, no matter how rough the draft, are welcome on our platform

Create a Welcoming Environment for All

  • Use gender-neutral colors to limit subconscious excusivity

Brand Values

Promotional Materials

Won Visual Frontiers Merchandise Competition

Figma Prototype

Reflections and Takeaways

I was extremely passionate about this project, and I hope to do more work in the future connecting artists with resources outside of traditional entertainment systems.

I learned a lot about the importance of mission and values in branding, of developing a cohesive style guide, and of storytelling as a means to get people to care about a product. This was one of my first times designing app prototypes in Figma, and I enjoyed exploring the platform in a meaningful way. While the project is currently on pause, I plan to revisit LabelMaker in the future to fully flesh out the platform.
Stanford, California